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- name - Variable in class
Name of lookandfeel
- name - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.Ingredient
Name of the ingredient
- name - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.IngredientCategory
Name of the category
- name - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.IngredientUnit
Full name of the unit as String
- name - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.recipe.Recipe
Name of the recipe
- name - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.recipe.RecipeCategory
Name of the RecipeCategory
- nameTextField - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.gui.frames.ingredient.AddIngredient
JTextField that is used to type in the name of the ingredient
- nameTextField - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.gui.frames.ingredient.EditIngredient
TextField that contains the ingredient name
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