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quantity - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.Ingredient
Quantity of the ingredient
quantitySpinner - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.gui.frames.recipe.AddRecipeIngredient
Spinner which is used to define the quantity of the ingredient
query - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.IngredientCategoryFilter
Query String to filter category names (null -> All category names)
query - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.ingredient.IngredientFilter
Query string to filter ingredient names (null -> All Ingredient names)
query - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.recipe.RecipeFilter
Query string to filter recipe names (null -> All recipe names)
queryTextfield - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.gui.frames.ingredient.IngredientFilterFrame
Query string for ingredients to search for
queryTextField - Variable in class de.hebkstudents.recipemanager.gui.frames.recipe.RecipeFilterFrame
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